Friday, October 30, 2009

Ooo! Tackay, Tackay!

I'm going to start something new... This is going to be my "aww hell naw" list of my blog where I say the shit you wanna say, but can't or think you are just too nice to say. I see too much of this shit to remain silent. I'm starting the battle and I'm starting here and now!

Anywho... My snook'ems and I were strolling through Wal-Mart. *gag* And seen this in the movie section next to the other typical "black", straight to DVD, movies. You know... The gospel movies, the "mama please save em's", and the "she/he trippin's." Now, all of those are usually enough for me to roll my eyes. I'm not even going to lie, sometimes I think, "huh, maybe I'll find it on the Internet and try to watch it." But the day I seen this damn movie was when I said enough it a fuqqin nuff!

My boyfriend seen it first. We were in mid-conversation. I was listening to mid-word when all of a sudden there was a pause. Silence followed for a few seconds. "Bloodz Vs. Wolvz? You gottah be f@#kin kiddin' me," blurted out my boyfriend in his heavy New York accent. I couldn't help but bust out into uncontrollable laughter while reading the garbage. The movie is about two groups that run Brooklyn. One runs businesses in the day and the other group runs the night scene. Runnin businesses, great... Tacky premise... Booooo I'm done!!

Really Black movie writers, this is what we are going to allow to let be on the shelves at Wal-Mart? Now, there are crazy movies out there by White folk that just need to be burned, but damn playah... I'm going to start a petition against this type of coonery. Can I get some variety please!? But there is another side to all this.

I have been getting a look at some independent Black movie makers and could admit that I am impressed. But the question is, why isn't this on sale. Well, according to the forces that be, the positive sh!t doesn't sale enough. The different doesn't sale enough. Look at the Black movie section at your local movie spot and see what you see. Yeah, you might get some old-school flicks, but your definitely going to see the typical stuff. I'm not saying its all bad, but be aware of what is being sold and why.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Now If I Slap a Bitch, I'll be Wrong: EDD Blues

With unemployment in California being among the highest in the nation, it should be understandable to anyone that EDD will run a lot slower than usual. Once I became a part of the statistic, (unemployed) I started the claim process with this in mind. Snail service and processing was expected. Ten days is what they told me, but weeks are what I prepared for. Those weeks turned into months. I remained calm and called the EDD office and listened to a long-winded recording warning me that checking on my filed claim would delay the process. “Understandable,” I thought, while quickly hanging up the phone. Then out of the blue I get a voicemail telling me about a letter I should have received about an interview I should have known about. My blood started to warm.

I decided to try my luck and call again. This time, I listened to the entire message and found out that damn message was the end of the line. There was no live voice or somebody I could cuss out, excuse me, voice my difficulties with. Then I called again for the automated voice assistance. The automated voice told me to call back the first number to speak to someone. Circle, circle, circular freakin’ process!! My blood is now boiling.

Online assistance is just as dizzying. Links, that take you to a link, that take you to a link, that takes you back to square one. I almost hulked up!! I would have been a muscular, green, sistah with a lil afro wearing ripped pajamas. Finally, some light was discovered this morning. I sent a message online and should be expecting a call in 24 hours, or so I’ve heard. But if they don’t call me, I swear I’m slappin the shit outah somebody. Now if I do that, I’ll be wrong. Thanks a lot Cali…
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