Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dang! No E-Cigarette either!?

Nothing like a few comfortable hours at the mall shopping. A girlfriend of mine and I sat at the food court about to round up the day when, out of the corner of my eye, I see smoke. "Girl, I think that guy is smoking inside," I lean over and whisper. We both became immediately intrigued. I literally started to believe that a law was passed that I had no clue of. "Hell, if this is a smoking mall, then I could light up right now!" We walked over and was given the spell binding sale's pitch of a century. I smoked inside!! Safe, tasty, smoke anywhere, pure nicotine, none of the disease causing tobacco leaves; sounded pretty convincing.

I have been smoking, off and on, since I was 19. The ugly habit is something I picked up from my ex and a few old friends. Now, at the tender age of 23, I could notice that my lips are a little less pink. My demon is not the cigarette, but the sweet smell of the Black and Mild. I have tasted flavors like creme, apple, wine, and even wood tip. Smoking an entire Black could have never been done in my earlier years, but now I could chain smoke a couple of them while writing and doing homework. Many warn that a Black and Mild is worth 10 cigarettes. I've never gotten proof of such craziness. But I have been convinced to quit. The E-Cigarette was going to be my way out of this addiction.

Well, this morning my bubble was busted as I listened to NPR. Debbie Elliott's article, E-Cigarettes: The New Frontier In War On Smoking, holds the sharp pin and is enough to make me spend my E-Cigarette money on a new pair of shoes instead. It pretty much debunked all of the wonderful things the sales man said at the mall. First of all, it does contain some of the same things put into regular cigarettes. Second, it hasn't even been approved by the FDA. Then to top it all off, it has been banned in other countries. Dude!! What da hell!!?? Can't have nothing!
I have cut down a lot since I started working out and taking care of my body. I guess I gottah do it the old fashion way, cold turkey or gradually.

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